Let's Get Started!
Diana Jones
Reach For Your Potential
1705 S. 1st Avenue, Suite 1
Iowa City, IA 52240
Telephone: (319) 354 2983
Fax: (319) 354 3221
Email: diana.jones@rfyp.org
Community Living For All

Supported Community Living
RFYP provides hourly and 24-hour supported community living services. Service hours are available seven days a week during times individuals would like staff.

Day Habilitation
From medical monitoring to daily living skills training and active community involvement, we strive to support our members’ development of interpersonal relationships, pre-employment skills, and/or educational development.
Your loved ones deserve integrated community services where they're able to achieve everything they're capable of and more. With Reach For Your Potential, that's what they'll find.
Community Integration
RFYP promotes community activities and provides transportation. Click here to see a list of our activities.
RFYP Member Rights
Our community members have the same basic and fundamental rights as non-disabled persons. Read about them here.
Health Promotion
We provide quality and individually-tailored health services to our community members so they can thrive. Find a selection of them here.
Day-To-Day Living
Scheduling, activities, medication, transportation, and more. Discover how our community members live day-to-day here.

Who We Are
Find out who Reach For Your Potential is and how we make a difference every day.

How We Help
Our services are comprehensive and unique to each community member we help.

Make A Referral
Click here for more information on our services and our admissions procedure.
Interested in working with our adult living community? Get in touch with the button below.
Employment Training
We train our Direct Care staff at orientation alongside the individuals they’ll be working with.
Apply Online
Are you looking to reach for more? Click the button here for our Online Application form.
Contact HR
Our H.R. Department can help you with any comments or questions, and they can be found right here.