
RFYP Member Rights

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Member Rights

Our Members Matter & So Do Their Rights

Members have the same basic and fundamental rights of non-disabled persons. RFYP ensures the rights of members are honored both at home and in the community. Some of these rights may be restricted for health and safety reasons. Prior to restricting these rights due process must be utilized. 

As a member of Reach For Your Potential, Inc., members can expect to receive the following rights listed below.

RFYP Member Handbook:

Support Our Mission

Reach For Your Potential has been a dedicated and caring community social services organization in Iowa City for over thirty years. And we’re happy to do it for many, many more.

Reach For Your Potential
Our Resources

Interested in working with our members? Get in touch with the button below.

Employment Training

We train our Direct Care staff at orientation alongside the individuals they’ll be working with.

Apply Online

Are you looking to reach for more?  Click the button here for our Online Application form.

Contact HR

Our H.R. Department can help you with any comments or questions, and they can be found right here.

Help us provide personalized support and assistance to our current and future community members.